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--> Category: Spirits 


Vision Blue
The public’s perception of voodoo rites and rituals seems often to point to the evil or malicious side of things. There are healing spells, nature spells, love spells, purification spells, joyous celebration spells.

Spirits may be invoked to bring harmony and peace, birth and rebirth, increased abundance of luck, material happiness, renewed health.The fact is, for those who believe it, voodoo is powerful. It is also empowering.

Clermond Julien
Size: 24x33
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 775.00


Nouvel An
His works are part of the Permanent Collection at The Milwaukee Art Center

1974 - Flagg Tanning Corp., Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin
1981 - Sotheby Parke Bennet Auction, New York, NY
1982 - International Art Expo, New York, NY
1997 - Equitable Gallery, New York

Alexandre Gregoire
Size: 20x16
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 475.00


Although she grew up in Switzerland she is irrevocably Haitian, having maintained intimate ties with the island through annual summer trips back home.

By the age of 13 Pascale was enrolled in art school learning to draw from live models. Fully entrenched in the art world throughout her teens she apprenticed and collaborates with the sculptor Ljuba Stoyanovic who taught her how to sculpt miniatures in stone.

Pascale Monnin
Size: 30x30
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 2800.00



Frantz Zephirin
Size: 24x20
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 1875.00


Burton Chenet is a steady and conscientious worker, an artist to whom painting means permanent inquiry.

Unlike the Haitian naive painters who inspired him, he does not approach his subjects as a believer but rather as an aesthete. He knows no duality: he advances quietly, to explore the immense resources and artistic wealth of his native land. His work attracts, intrigues and raises thoughts and interrogations, while expecting the visitors to find for themselves the keys to open the doors of his artistic universe

Burton Chenet
Size: 40x30
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 800.00


His paintings are, above all, a look on his artistic environment, on certain painters who have made a mark on their time and increasingly influenced the young modern painters.

Burton Chenet is the product of two cultures. He studied Fine Arts in the United States and now lives in Haiti. His aesthetic curiosity has kept him in touch with the different schools in the country and has led him to reflect upon their many similarities and differences, mainly differences due to the very rich contribution of so many cultures.

Burton Chenet
Size: 24x20
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 575.00


Zephirin´s work is characterized by intense colors, intricate patterns and tightly surrounded compositions.

Extremely productive, his imagination is compelling and his social criticism is disturbing. Presently Zephirin´s work is recognizable by human figures with animal heads--representing his deep contempt for the commanding body.

Frantz Zephirin
Size: 20x16
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 1275.00


Since their exclusive show in June of 1985 at the Villa Medicis in Rome, this group is now called Cinq Soleils.

He participated in several exhibitions at the Museum of Haitian Art, the French Institute and all the major Galleries of Haiti as well as the most important exhibits in europe Grand Palais, Paris and the United States, Brooklyn Museum, NY. He graces the cover of Seldon Rodmans book on Haitian Art: Haiti where Art is Joy.

Prosper Pierre-Louis
Size: 30x20
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 2000.00


From 1987 until 1990 he took painting lessons under the direction of the artist Roosevelt Jean-Baptiste and in 1997 he worked his drawing techniques with another well known artist Franck Louissaint.

From 1897 until 1998 he works with the established artist Tiga at the Tiga Foundation using different artistic expressions.

Size: 24x17
Medium: Oil
Support: Hardboard
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$ 775.00



Jorelus Joseph
Size: 24x30
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 490.00



Prosper Pierre-Louis
Size: 18x14
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Hardboard
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$ 975.00


Levoy Exil was born in Fermate far up the mountain above Port-au-Prince on December 7, 1944, or in Soissons-la-Montagne on October 19, 1944, depending on which book you consult.

He was one of the original members of Saint Soleil, a community of peasant artists that was organized by the Haitian artist Tiga, and Maude Robart, a writer and painter herself.

Levoy Exil
Size: 30x24
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 780.00


Saint Soleil was located in the mountains above LaBoule, at Soisson-La- Montagne. It provided the means and encouragement for not only painters, but also poets, writers, craftspeople, singers, dancers, sculptors and musicians.

The movement received international attention after the visit in 1975 of Andre Malraux, who was so impressed with the place that he devoted a chapter in his last book, L´Intemporel, to Saint Soleil. Exil is also one of the five members of Cinq Soleil, the group of artists that reformed in the late 1980's.

Levoy Exil
Size: 30x48
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 1450.00



Levoy Exil
Size: 12x12
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 290.00


The Embrace

Levoy Exil
Size: 12x12
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 290.00


The Chase

Levoy Exil
Size: 12x12
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 290.00


Hello Goodbye

Levoy Exil
Size: 12x12
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 290.00


The Saint Soleil group began around 1973 as a peasant commune run by a French and a Haitian intellectual who left the country in 1979.

Five of the artists of the Saint Soleil group stayed together and are still painting in an almost modern style of spirits and loas floating freely across the canvas.

Prospere Piere Louis
Size: 57x40
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Hardboard
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$ 475.00


Sacred Cows

Jorelus Joseph
Size: 33x33
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 525.00


Esprits - SOLD
The Saint Soleil School uses linear patterning and symbolism reflecting practices of Vodou.

Vodou, which, while it does have its darker moments, is mostly concerned with asking the loas, or life spirits, to intercede against evil spirits on one´s behalf.

Dieuseul Paul
Size: 24x24
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 0.00


Diable Soleil - SOLD
A taciturn, introverted youth, Duffaut lived through an unhappy childhood ruled by an incompetent mother, with drawing as his only expressive outlet.

He recounted that the Virgin Mary appeared to him in a dream at La Gonave Island, leading him to produce an ornamental sculpture for the chapel dedicated to her. A poet and mystic, he might be said to be a painter of dreams depicting his hopes and beliefs, as exemplified by his famous painting Virgin on the Mountain Top. Rigaud Benoit and a group of artists went to Jacmel to look for new talent and found Duffaut . During the night he had a dream: the Virgin appeared to him with outstretched hands perched on the summit of a mountain and she told him to paint his city Jacmel. Duffaut joined the Art Center in 1948. In 1951, he painted a mural at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Duffaut strives to reconstruct a frantic reality: winding vertical streets and delicate and colorful houses constructed at the turn of the century that characterize Jacmel. Not leaving anything to chance, he writes on his painting the names of the buildings: school, customs, police, and hospital. The effect is striking. His innate sense of composition, genius of colors and pictorial clumsiness make his first works masterpieces of naive art.

Préfète Duffaut
Size: 32x20
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 0.00


Fantomes Marassa - SOLD
He completed some of his elementary education before moving to Port-au-Prince in 1958.

He has been working for the Centre d´Art since 1971. He began painting in 1988 using the traditional naïve style, while depicting everyday life in Haiti. He has participated in many shows and was a gold medallist for the Biennal of Santo Domingo in October 1996.

Jorelus Joseph
Size: 24x20
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
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$ 0.00


Siren - SOLD
She learned the art of etching on copper plates in Lausanne at the Atelier Aquaforte.

By the time she was 18 she was teaching drawing to students in a private school, the Ecole de la Maison Rouge.

Pascale Monnin
Size: 52x52
Medium: Oil
Support: Canvas
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$ 0.00


Oiseau Blue - SOLD
The works portray figures crucial to the practice of Vodou.

Many of the Saint-Soleil paintings share attributes of medieval manuscripts, particularly in repetitive linear patterning filling every available space, known as horror vacui, recalling the Book of Kells and also evokes the Coptic Christian icons of North Africa.

Dieuseul Paul
Size: 20x16
Medium: Acryllic
Support: Canvas
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$ 0.00



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