Duval-Carrie, Edouard
Artist Statement
I personally believe that most artists are in one way or another reflections of their immediate surroundings. What they are confronted with on a daily routine is bound to affect and influence their personal visions of the world. This general tendency would simplify my answers to inquiries on the relative importance of popular culture in the context of the contemporary art world. But with the advent of a rapid globalization and the proliferation of information at all levels, this permits everyone, and particularly artists, to take their ideas from a global well.
Lives and Works Miami Beach, Florida, USA
1988-89 Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France
1978 Bachelor of Arts, University of Loyola Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Supplementary studies at McGill University, Quebec, Canada and University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Migrations, Miami Art Museum, New Work Gallery, Miami,
Florida Landscapes: Real and Imagined, The Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami,
Florida Recent Works, Porter Troupe Gallery, San Diego 1999
Recent Works, Miami-Dade Cultural Center, Miami
Des Migrations sous L'Eau, Generous Miracles Gallery, NY, NY
Recent Works, Lyle O.Reitzel Gallery, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Recent Works, Lakaye Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Recent Works, David Beitzel Gallery, Project Room, NY, NY
Spirits, Altars, and Others, Quintana Gallery, Miami, Florida
From the Edge of Paradise, Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida
Edouard Duval Carrie, Musee du College St. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Silver Linings, Gutierez Fine Arts, Miami Beach, Florida 1994
Requiem, Gutierez Fine Arts, Miami Beach, Florida
El Jardin Salvaje, Galeria Fernando Quintana, Bogota, Columbia
Selected Group Exhibitions
Anges et Demons, Halle St Pierre, Paris
Kongo Criollo, Taller Boricua Gallery, Julia de Burgos Cultural Center New York
Edouard Duval Carrie et Lionel St Elol, Benefit for the Schweitzer Hospital, Ramscale Gallery, New York
Havana Biennial VI, Lee Aides Memoires, Palacio del Segundo, Cabo, Havana, Cuba
Southern Arts Federation/National Endowment for the Arts, Visual Arts Fellowship Exhibition, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Sao Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Out of Bounds, New Work by Eight Southeast Artists, Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, Georgia (Cultural Olympiad Celebrations).
Sacred Arts of Haitian Voodoo, Traveling exhibition at the following venues: UCLA Fowler Museum, Los Angeles, California; Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida; Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Illinois; National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC; New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana; Museum of Natural History, New York, New York.
Masterworks in Haitian Art from the Collection of the Davenport Museum, Davenport Museum of Art, Davenport, Iowa (traveled to Akron, Ohio;Lov4s Museum, Miami, Florida; Naples Florida; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Los Angeles, California).
Caribbean Visions. Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Organized by Art Services International (traveled to Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; Hartford, Connecticut).
Premio MARCO, Museo de arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey (MARCO),Monterrey, Mexico.
Haitian Artists,The October Gallery, London, Great Britain.
South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual and Media Artists Fellowship Recipients Exhibition, Boca Museum, Boca Raton, Florida.
Cite Internationale des Artes, Paris, France. Residency awarded by the Marie de Paris, 2000
Fondation Claude Monet, Giverny, France. Residency awarded by Arts International, 1998
- Landscapes; Real and Imagined, Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
- Migrations, Installation in the New Works Room, Museum of Art of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA
- Recent Works, Porter Troupe Gallery, San Diego, California, USA
- Recent Works, Miami Dade Cultural Center, Miami, Florida, USA
- Des Migrations sous L'Eau, Generous Miracles Gallery, New York, New York, USA
- Recent Works, Lyie 0. Reitzel Gallery, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Recent Works, Lakaye Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Recent Works, David Beitzel Gallery, Project Room, New York, New York, USA
- Spirits, Altars and Others, Edouard Duval Carrie, Quintana Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
- From the Edge of Paradise, Edouard Duval Carrie, Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Musee du College St. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- Silver Linings, Gutierez Fine Arts, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- Requiem, Gutierez Fine Arts, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- El Jardin Salvaje, Galeria Fernando Quintana, Bogota, Columbia
- Recent Works, Lakaye Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Recent Works, Porter Randall Gallery, San Diego, California, USA
- Retrospective, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey (MARCO), Monterrey, Mexico
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Armand Gallery, Paris, France
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Malraux Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Nicole Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Brent Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Paul Waggoner Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Franz Bader Gallery, Washington, D.C., USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie, Art Center, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- The House of Glances, Mackey Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
- Anges et Demons, Halle St. Pierre, Paris, France
- Kongo Criollo, Taller Boricua Gallery, Julia de Gurgos Cultural Center, New York, New York, USA
- Edouard Duval Carrie et Lionel St. Eloi, Benefit for the Schweitzer Hospital,
- Ramscale Gallery, New York, New York, USA
- Fresque du Souvenir, Unesco project celebrating the Day of Remembrance of the Slave Trade. Mural by Edouard Duval Carrie, Franz Zephirin (Haiti), Jose Bedia (Cuba), Diagne Chanel (Senegal), Musee du College St. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- Droits de L'Homme, Utopie, Defi, Realites: Les Createurs Haitiens, Musee du College St. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- Caribe, Exclusion, Fragmentacion y Paraiso, Museo Extremeno e beramericano de Arte Contemporaneo, Badajoz and Casa de America, Madrid, Spain
- Eksperyans la Vida: Modern Art from Haiti and Cuba, Lebanon Valley, College of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA
- Haitian Art Since 1973, International Arts Club, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- The Miami Connection, Changing Perception, Museum of African American Art, Tampa, Florida, USA
- Havana Biennial VI, Les Aides Memoires, Palacio del Segundo Cabo, Havana, Cuba
- Southern Arts Federation/National Endowment for the Arts, Visual Arts Fellowship
- Exhibition, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
- Sao Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Out of Bounds, New Work by Eight Southeast Artists, Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Cultural Olympiad Celebrations).
- Swallowing the Crown: Art and Culture of Haiti in Miami, Miami Dade Community College North Campus, Miami, Florida.
- Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou, Traveling exhibition at the following Venues, USA: UCLA Fowler Museum, Los Angeles, California; Miami Art Museum, Miami,Florida; Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois; National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.; New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana; Museum of Natural History, New York, New York.
- Masterworks in Haitian Art from the Collection of the Davenport Museum, Davenport Museum of Art, Davenport, Iowa (traveled to Akron Ohio; Lowe Museum, Miami, Florida; Naples, Florida; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Caribbean Visions, Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Organized by Art Services International (traveled to Miami, Florida; New Orleans, Louisiana; Hartford, Connecticut, (USA)
- Premio MARCO, Museo de Arts Contemporaneo de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
- Haitian Artists, The October Gallery, London, Great Britain
- South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual and Media Artists Fellowship Recipients Exhibition, Boca Museum, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
- Contemporary Expressions of Haitian Art, Ground Level Gallery, South Florida Art Center, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- Painting After Nature, Center of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida, USA
- Exodus, Ground Level Gallery, South Florida Art Center, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- Eight-Ocho-Huit, Gutierez Fine Arts, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- Storytelling: The Narrative in Latin America, Center of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida, USA
- An Encounter Between Two Worlds as Seen by Haiti's Artists, 1492-1992, organized by Foundation Afrique en Creations (traveling to Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, France, USA
- Future in Retrospective, Gutierez Fine Arts, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- Artefact, Cultural Center, Soissons, France
- Ouidah 93, First International Vaudau Cultures Festival, Ouidah, Benin. Installation at the Dagbo Hou Non's Temple.
- Schwarze Freiheit in Dialog, Volkerkund Museum Cologne, Germany
- Homage to Max Ponty, Chaillot Plaice, Paris, France
- Myth and Magic in America, The Eighties, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey (MARCO), Monterrey, Mexico
- Two Painters, One Island, Brussels, Belgium
- Art Contemprain Haitien, Fine Arts School, Lille, France
- La Revolution Francaise sous les Tropiques, Galerie Nationale, Dakar, Senegal
- La Revolution Francaise sous Ie Tropiques, Musee du Pantheon National Haitien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- La Revolution Francaise sous Ie Tropiques, Musee des Arts Africains et Oceaniens, Paris, France
- XX Century View of the French Revolution, organized by Association Francaise d'Action Artistique (traveled to Venezuela; Mexico; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Columbia; Puerto Rico; Dominican Republic)
- African Currents, Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art, New York, New York, USA
- Haitian Art, Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, Davenport, Iowa, USA
- Art Haiti, Meridian House International, Washington, D.C., USA
- Haitian Art, The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan, USA
- Two New Arrivals, Le Musee D'Art Haitien, Haiti
- Under the Spell: The Art of Haiti, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA and the Saint Louis King of France Chapel, Haiti
- Black Spirit, Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, Davenport, Iowa, USA
Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
Davenport Museum of Art, Davenport, Iowa, USA
Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida, USA
Musee des Art Africains et Oceaniens, Paris France
Musee de Pantheon National Haitien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey (MARCO), Monterrey, Mexico
The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan, USA
The College of Human Services, New York, New York, USA
Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, USA
Musee du College St. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1996 Southern Arts Federation Visual Art Fellowship
1995 South Florida Cultural Consortium Visual Art Fellowship
1996 Art in Public Places: Commission for the Jefferson Reaves Rehabilitative and Health Center,Miami, Florida, USA
Lucie-Smith, Edward, ::The House of Glances::, exhibition catalogue, Mackey Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Sullivan, Edward J., ::Des Migrations Sous L'Eau::, exhibition catalogue, Generous
Miracles Gallery, New York, New York, USA
Borras, Maria Lluisa, ::Bajo el Agua del Otro Lado:: exhibition catalogue, Lyies 0.
Reitzel Gallery, Dominican Republic
Sullivan, Edward J., ::Sacred Migrations: Recent painting and Sculptures by Edouard Duval-Carrie::, exhibition catalogue Spirits, Altars and Others, published Quintana Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
Alexis, Gerald and Michele Frisch, Edouard Duval Carrie, Musee du College St. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Cantor, Judy and Carol Damian, El Jardin Salvaje, Galeria Fernando Quintana,
Bogota, Columbia
Merewether, Charles, Edouard Duval Carrie, Retrospective, Museo de Arte
Contemporaneo de Monterrey (MARCO), Monterrey, Mexico
Kemp, Martin, The Oxford History of Western Art
Blanco, Delia, Caribe. exhibition catalogue Caribe. Casa de America y Museo Extremeno
Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid 1998
Bomani, Asake and Belvie Rooks, Paris Connections. African and Caribbean Artists in Paris.
San Francisco, Q.E.D. Press, 1992
Haiti: Photos-Paintings-Ironworks. London: The Arts Council of England, 1995
Driskell, David C. African American Visual Aesthetics. Smithsonian Institution Press,
Washington, 1995
Hurbon, Laennec. Vodou: Truth and Fantasy. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London 1995
McCarthy Brown, Karen. Tracing the Spirit: Ethnographic Essays on Haitian Art. Davenport
Museum of Art, 1995
Najman, Charles. Haiti: Dieu SeuI Me Voit. Paris: Editions Ballard, 1995
Pinturerias-EI Arte - El Arte del Arte Taurino. Mexico: Fundacion Cultural Artension, 1994
Powell, Richard J. Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century. Thames and Hudson Ltd.,
Sarner, Eric, La Passe Du Vent - Une Histoire Haitienne. Paris; Editions Pavot-Rivages, 1994
Driskell, David C. African American Visual Aesthetics. Smithsonian Institution Press,
Washington, 1995
Alejandro, Juan Garcia. ::Edouard Duval-Carrie traera su vudu a MARCO::. El Norte.
October 1,1992
Arritola, Miguel Angel. ::Integra MARCO tres exposiciones en una::. El Diario de Monterrey.
October?, 1992
Aubry, Erin J. ::True Voodoo::. LA Weekly. February 15, 1996
Bettelheim, Judith. ::Three Transnational Artists: Jose Bedia, Edouard Duval-Carrie, Keith
Morrison. The International review of African American Art. Volume 15, #3, 1999
Blanco, Delia. ::Sous les Tropiques:: Revolution Magazine. June 1989
Blanco, Delia. ::Tableaux de La Revolution::, Le Monde. June 18, 1989
Bloncourt, Gerald. ::Edouard Duval-Carrie::, Artension. June 1991, No. 25
Bookhart, D. Eric. ::Edouard Duval-Carrie::, Stella Jones Gallery, New Orleans, Art Papers.
July/August 1998, Vol. 22 Issue 4
Borras, Maria Lluisa. ::Duval-Carrie, El PintorY Su Compromiso::, Atlantica. Number 18,
October, 1997
Bravo, Armando Alvarez. ::El Requiem Haitiano de Duval-Carrie::, El Nuevo Herald.
April 8, 1994
Brown, Misty. ::Edouard Duval-Carrie, Vodou Master Artist in 3 Shows::, The Louisiana Weekly.
Vol LXXII No. 28, April 6th, 1998
Cantor, Judy. ::Painting the Body Politic: Edouard Duval-Carrie::, The New Times.
July 21-27, 1994
Cantor, Judy. ::The Spirits Are Willing::, The New Times. July 6-12, 1995
Cantor, Judy. ::Spirits in the Material World::. The New Times, April 25-May 1, 1996
Cotter, Holland. ::Dazzling and Devout Voodoo Energy::. The New York Times. October 9, 1998
Damian, Carol. ::Matters of Spirit: Edouard Duval-Carrie:: Latin American Art. Vol.5, No. 4, 1994
Damian, Carol. ::Edouard Duval-Carrie, Miami Art Museum - Bernice Steinbaum Gallery:: Art
Nexus. No. 39, February - April 2001
Engels, von Gunther. ::Welt zwisher Schnapps und Weihhrauch::, Kolnisfhe Rundchau.
February 14, 1992
Fernandez, Libia. ::Color y magia en MARCO a partir de hoy::, El Porvenir. October 9, 1992
Garza, Fernado. ::Mostraran obras de Smith, Duval-Carrie y Nunez::, El Norte, September 25,1992
Turner, Elisa. ::Changing Images of Haitian Art::, The Miami Herald. July 7, 1995
Turner, Elisa. ::Consortium Aims High but Lacks Depth::, The Miami Herald. June 11, 1995
Waters, Susan. ::Lasting Impressions::, XS Fun and Frolic. July 11, 1995
Zaya, Antonio. ::Les Territoires Atlantique:Outre-Mer::. Beaux Arts. May 1998, No. 168
2001: Calabash. Quarterly review of Caribbean Arts, New York University
1997: La Revolucion Haitiana y El Fin De Un Sueno Colonial. Serie Nuestra America Num. 55,
Centro Coordeinador y Difusor De Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1997
1997: Cantos to Blood and Honey. Coffee House Press, Minneapolis, 1997
1995: Imagen. December, 1995 (magazine)
1995: Voodou: Truth and Fanatsy. Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1995
1995: Haiti: Dieu Seui Me Volt. Editions Balland, Paris, 1995
1994: Baron Samedi. Editions Belfond, Paris, 1994
1994: La Passe De Vent (Une Histoire Haitienne) The Week in Review, The New York Times.
September 25, 1994
1991: Artension. June 1991, No. 25
1996: The Miami Light Project, Miami, Florida
1995: Choreographie Vaudou de Kettly Noel, Magic Media, Paris, France
1992: Homage to Max Ponty, Chaillot Palace, Paris, France
1992: Radio France Internationale, Decouvertes, 1992
1986: Haiti Libere poster with Pablo Butcher celebrating the collapse of Duvalier regime
Cite Internationale des Artes, Paris, France. Residency awarded by the Marie de Paris, 2000
Fondation Claude Monet, Giverny, France. Residency awarded by Arts International, 1998