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--> Category: Duval-Carrie, Edouard 

A renowned painter with a world-class reputation, exhibited internationally and collected by the cognoscenti.
Duval-Carrie's paintings, sculptures and installations have been exhibited all over the world and sell to collectors for thousands of dollars. Palm trees, Congo and voodoo spirits, African slaves, corrupt politicians and other images from Haitian history and culture populate his works, but not in the colorful and naive style that's associated with most Haitian art. Duval-Carrie's works are social and political criticism of a society torn apart by corruption and poverty, not a nostalgic look at rural life.

Wounded Tree
The Caribbean is a very particular region of the world...

If you take it geographically, there are many nations there, many islands, but between them is a common history of tragedy.

Edouard Duval-Carrie
Size: 53x45 Framed
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
For Sale by Private Collector
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$ 15000.00


You understand, no matter how democratic they become or can be, one doubts that they can develop and progress with an ever growing population staying as little isolated nations.

You can say that, generally, people from that area have a basic history that is relatively similar. BUT, within those people that are there, there are millions of different people in the Caribbean. This is one of the major melting pots of this planet.

Edouard Duval-Carrie
Size: 31x31 Framed
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
For Sale by Private Collector
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$ 6000.00


The Uninvited Guest
For instance, Haiti is the first Pan-African state. You have so many different tribes intermingling after having been put thru slavery, remembering what? What could they remember but their sorrow, you know?

What they brought with them and kept from Africa were bits and pieces of various cultures. I guess the aesthetics we end up with in this case is a shanty town aesthetic with everything usable being incorporated into the work. For me, it is like that.

Edouard Duval-Carrie
Size: 58x49 Framed
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
For Sale by Private Collector
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$ 20000.00


General C
I love working! Yes, I´m under pressure but I can say no to an exhibition. But, I have an agenda and I love activity. During the last two or three years, my work has been in demand for all sorts of things.

This whole thing plays to the two sides of my life, the two sides of what I am, and the two aesthetics I am battling with everyday. The western aesthetics and the black aesthetics.

Edouard Duval-Carrie
Size: 52x44 Framed
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
For Sale by Private Collector
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$ 13000.00


Femme Rossignol
I personally believe that most artists are in one way or another reflections of their immediate surroundings.

What they are confronted with on a daily routine is bound to affect and influence their personal visions of the world. This general tendency would simplify my answers to inquiries on the relative importance of popular culture in the context of the contemporary art world. But with the advent of a rapid globalization and the proliferation of information at all levels, this permits everyone, and particularly artists, to take their ideas from a global well.

Edouard Duval-Carrie
Size: 30x30 Framed
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Canvas
For Sale by Private Collector
FREE Shipping
For More Information

$ 6000.00



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