--> Category: Obin, Philome
To own one of his paintings is truly to own a treasure.
Obin, Philome
Philome Obin was born in 1891. He had been a painter long before his first exposition at the Centre d'Art in 1945. He his considered to be the stimulator of naïve painting, which had been incubating in the country for some time.
His paintings have a geometrical precision but at the same time are poetic. Obin's style has profoundly marked painting in the North of Haiti. He painted two murals at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.
His role in the development of art in his region has been such that many members of his own family have become painters that are also esteemed by collectors.
He is without a doubt Haiti's oldest and most famous artists. To own one of his paintings is truly to own a treasure.
Philomé Obin's work is hanging in many museums throughout the world:
The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York
The Milwaukee Art Institute, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana
Museum Oswald d'Art , Amsterdam , Holland
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Museum of Art of La Jolla, La Jolla, California
Hayward Gallery, London, England
Society for the Arts, Palm Beach, Florida
Pan American Union
Musée d'art National, Port-au-Prince, Haïti
The Lockwood Mathers Mansion Museum, Norwalk , Connecticut
Image of Painting by Philome Obin
Rue Petit Pent Saint Michel
Courtesy of Medalia Art
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