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--> Category: Dupoux, Marithou 

By choosing the career of artist, I chose a difficult way of long working hours and constant concerns. I want by my art to share what I feel as a woman, as a Haitian and honest woman.
Dupoux, Marithou

Marithou Dupoux was born in a family of artists, on December 25th 1948, Marithou attended an all girl catholic school. The youngest of six children, she started showing interest in drawing at the early age of six. Through out her young age she persists then at the age of 30 and a mother of two, she starts painting, and had her very first one man show, she also works with several famous Haitian artists, Nehemy Jean, J. Pierre Theard, R. Dorcely, Luce Turnier and Tiga.

Today, twenty years later, she strives for new ways to express herself through her art and different mediums like, sculpting, ceramic and paper mache.

Artist statement
By choosing the career of artist, I chose a difficult way of long working hours and constant concerns. I want by my art to share what I feel as a woman, as a Haitian and honest woman. My life is made of a succession of experiments and challenges.
My inspiration comes from everyday facts and people who surround me. With the years, my vision changed and my manner of expressing it changes also. Today, with the aggressions of the world which surrounds us, frustrations which we know in this Haiti in crisis, I seek and value these few moments which one enjoys in silence, like -in a state of grace-. May I, by my art, share them with the world.

1982: Galerie Theart (one man show)
1982: Expo GalerieTheart (groupe)
1983: Casa de Francia de Santo Domingo (groupe)
1983: Festival Arts Galerie
1984: Turks and Caicos Group show
1985: Festival Arts Galerie
1986: Surinam group show
1990: Festival Arts Gallery Group show
1991: Galerie Caraibes, One man show
1992: Meadows University of Central College Louisiana
1992: Festival Arts Galerie
1992: Galerie Marassa
1994: Interamerican Development Bank
1994: Galerie Marassa
1995: Galerie Marassa
1996: Fifth Biennal International Art Show for Latin America & the Caribbean
1996: Private Home-Show in Washington D.C.
1996: World Bank (Lobby Art Group Show)
1996: Galerie Marassa (Group Show)
1997: World Bank - Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1997: Curtis Lewis & Associates - Washington D.C. (One-man Show)
1997: Marassa Gallerie - (One-man Show)
1998: Haiti Femme Creation Bibliotheque Municipale de Nantes, France
1998: Musee Oceanographique de Monaco - Haiti Femme Creation
1999: Galeria de Arte Arawak (Puerto-Rico, Group Show)
1999: Au Bonheur des Formes (Ceramiques) Galerie Marassa (Group Show)
2000: Group show Gallery Marassa



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