Blaise, Serge Moleon
Serge Moleon Blaise was born in 1954 in Cap Haitian. He worked in close collaboration with his brother Saint-Louis, and devotes himself to works inspired directly by Haitian history.
The whole of his work reflects the meticulous refining of images, which become eloquent representations of the subjects' heroism. Proud of his countrymen's courage, Blaise focuses his work exclusively on their glorious feats of arms and historic struggles for independence.
1983 - Musee International d'Art Naif, Nice, France
1986 - International Art Exposition, New York, N.Y.
1986 - A.H. Riise Gallery, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin
1988 - Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition & ISPAN - Haiti: The First Black Republic & Its Monuments To Freedom
1988 - Gallery Caribe, Philadelphia, PA
1988 - Galerie Savannah Blue, Tampa, Florida
1988 - Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France
1992 - La Peinture Haitienne a La Rencontre de l'Image d'Epinal, France
1992 - La Rencontre Des Deux Mondes Vue Par Les Peintres D'Haiti, Martinique, Seville, Rome, Paris, Nantes, Angouleme, Laval, Toulouse, Japan, Montreal, United States, Mexico
Books and Catalogues
1983 Peinture Haitienne, pp. 48-49
1986 La Peinture Haitienne, pp. 87, 204
1988 HAITI Art Naïf - Art Voodoo,
1992 L'Art Haitien a la Rencontre de l'Image d'Epinal
1992 La Rencontre des Deux Mondes Vue Par Les Peintres D'Haiti, pp. 59, 79, 85, 143, 239