One of the young artists from the school of Philome Obin, Etienne Chavannes has developed his own distinctive style and repertory.
Chavannes, Etienne
Etienne Chavannes was born in 1939 in Cap Haitien. One of the young artists from the school of Philome Obin, Etienne Chavannes has developed his own distinctive style and repertory. The most obvious thing he shares with his master (with whom he studied in Cap Haitien in 1967) is a keen interest in people and their activities. However, in contrast to Obin, Chavannes concentrates mostly on the contemporary scene of his native town and prefers crowds of any kind to individuals.
Chavannes' style is sketchy and quick and emphasizes color and activity. He is little interested in perspective. A sense of humor adds warmth and life to his paintings.
1978-1979 - Haitian Art Brooklyn Museum, New York, Milwaukee Art Center,Wisconsin, Kunstaus Haiti, Berlin,Germany, New Orleans Museum of Art, Louisiana
1981 - Sotheby Parke Bennet Auction, New York, NY
1982 - International Art Expo, New York, NY
1983 - Musee International d'Art Naif, Nice, France
1991 - Le Musee d'Art Haitien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1992 - La Rencontre Des Deux Mondes Vue Par Les Peintres D'Haiti, Martinique, Seville, Rome, Paris, Nantes, Angouleme, Laval, Toulouse, Japan, Montreal, United States, Mexico
1993 - Equitable Gallery, New York, Private Collection of Jonathan Demme.
Books and Catalogues
1978 - Haitian Art, p. 121
1978 - Kunst aus Haiti, p. 173
1981 - Sotheby's Haitian and Latin American Paintings, Drawings and Prints, (Cat. #13)
1982 - Art Expo: New York, p. 213
1983 - Peinture Haitienne, p. 53
1986 - La Peinture Haitienne, p. 83
1986 - Voyage Au Pays Des Naifs, p. 165
1990 - June/July Elle Decor, p. 20
1992 - La Rencontre des Deux Mondes Vue Par Les Peintres D'Haiti, pp. 96-97, 150, 235
1997- Catalogue of Equitable Gallery
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