--> Category: Saint-Fleurant, Louisianne
Ever increasing in value, her paintings are a beautiful visual trip to Saint-Soleil.
Saint-Fleurant, Louisianne
Louisianne Saint-Fleurant was born in Petit-Trou de Nippes. She is the godmother of The Saint-Soleil New School of Painters, created under the direction of Tiga, Garoute, and Maude Robbart, promoters of this movement in Soisson-la-Montagne. Louisiane Saint Fleurant originally came to Soisson-la-Montagne to help with the cooking. Soon after leaving the commune in 1978, she moved into a tiny shop of her own in a ravine above the Petion-Ville market, where she sold her paintings and ceramic sculptures. From 1978 on, she participated in several exhibitions in foreign countries and in Haiti. Ever increasing in value, her paintings are a beautiful visual trip to Saint-Soleil.
She is one of the most remarkable artists in this new school, which is devoid of all extraneous influence and has lent a new image to Haitian painting. As André Malraux remarked in regard to this school, it is impossible to determine where it came from or to whom it speaks. The l'Intemporel Malraux provides a noteworthy analysis of this new school, quoting Louisianne St-Fleurant in confirmation of this astonishing feature : It is through Voodoo that we would best approach the creative process of the Saint-Soleil painters. In the final analysis, the painter paints because he or she is mounted (possessed) and paints what the Loa (Voodoo god) wants.
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