Lamour, Fritzner
Fritzner Lamour was born in 1948 in Jacmel. At a very early age he began to draw and paint. He was fascinated by the work of Prefete Duffaut. He became his student and was considered by Duffaut his best pupil. In 1972 Lamour started painting on his own and eventually became very well known. His landscapes, still life and more recently his animal come-to-life paintings have all received international acclaim.
1982 - Centro Arte e Cultura, Bergamo, Italy
1982 - International Art Expo, New York, NY
1983 - Musée International d'Art Naif, Nice, France
1983 - Galerie Bukowskis, Zurich, Switzerland
1984 - Galerie Pro-Arte, Morges, Switzerland
1985 - Café de la Paix Exposition, Paris, France
1986 - International Art Exposition, New York, N.Y.
1986 - A.H. Riise Gallery, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
1987 - Gallery Caribe, Philadelphia, PA
1988 - Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France
1988 - Galerie Savannah Blue, Tampa, Florida
1989 - Westside Gallery, Paobi, PA
1989 - IFA Galerie und Kontaktstelle, Bonn, Germany
1990 - Exposition du Palais du Rhin, Strasborg, France
1990 - Mme. Mitterand, group show and auction, Paris, France
1992 - La Peinture Haïtienne a La Rencontre de l'Image d'Epinal, France
1992 - La Rencontre Des Deux Mondes Vue Par Les Peintres D'Haiti, Martinique, Séville, Rome, Paris, Nantes, Angouleme, Laval, Toulouse, Japan, Montreal, United States, Mexico
1997 - Galerie Monnin, Pétionville, Haïti.
Books and Catalogues
1982 - Art Expo: New York, p. 213
1983 - Peinture Haitienne, pp. 68-69
1983 - Le Paradis Et Les Naifs, p. 154
1984 - Paris Vogue
1985 - Un Instant De Paix Au Café De La Paix, pp. 80, 122
1986 - La Peinture Haitienne, p. 206
1986 - Voyage Au Pays Des Naifs, pp. 163-164
1988 - Where Art is Joy, pp. 211, 212, 216
1988 - Where Art is Joy, pp. 211, 216
1988 - Haiti Art Naif, Art Voodoo, 239-247
1990 - Dialogue du Réel et de l'Imaginaire, pp. 20, 66, 74
1992 - L'Art Haïtien a la Rencontre de l'Image d'Epinal
1992 - La Rencontre des Deux Mondes Vue Par Les Peintres D'Haiti, pp. 179, 229
1997 - Cover page " Café Amer " Michel Monnin.
Permanent Collection
Musée d'Art Naïf de Max Fourny, Paris, France